
If you are not satisfied with the way your body looks,

even though you are eating and exercising properly, we are here to help to shape your body.

Our liposuction procedure in Miami makes it easier than ever to get the perfect look you want and maintain long-term results.

Although an active lifestyle and a healthy diet are essential for a good appearance,

Liposuction can help address those problem areas that will not cease to be a problem.

What is Liposuction?

While many new fat removal methods have become available, Liposuction offers much better results for many people.

A Liposuction is a great way to extract fat cells from any area of the body for personalized body sculpting, which no other procedure can provide.

The procedure includes a complete assessment of your body and your face, as well as a discussion of your figure and vision.

Liposuction can target fat in a wide variety of areas of the body, including:

A Liposuction in Miami is an incredible procedure for modeling your body,

performed alone or in combination with other surgeries such as thigh lift, tummy tuck, and breast lift.

How Liposuction works

A Liposuction can be performed on small or large areas of the body,

from the smallest area under the chin to thighs and buttocks.

Regardless of where the procedure is performed, it is done in the same way.

The fat is broken down and removed from under the skin through a thin cannula through which a small incision is made.

Surgical instruments force the fat cells out of the body after they have been broken down.

The fat is pumped out through the cannula using a vacuum pump or large syringe.

Because patients can lose fluid as fat is removed from the body,

an intravenous infusion is monitored by a doctor and given to the patient while surgery.

Types of Liposuction

Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction (UAL)

As the name suggests,

this procedure uses ultrasonic waves to remove and dissolve body fat.

UAL is similar to the tumescent technique and performed by infusing a large volume of fluid

into the target area through small incisions.

Some heat energy is created when ultrasound melts subcutaneous fat.

For some patients, this heat energy can help to further tighten the skin.

Miami Laser Liposuction

Regardless of the physique, laser liposuction gives excellent results.

This procedure uses a laser beam to inactivate fat cells, making them unable to store additional fat.

Typically, after this procedure, patients can back to work after one day of rest.

The laser also improves skin appearance and stimulates the body to produce more collagen.

Laser liposuction also minimizes the risk of bleeding and inflammation.

Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL)

In this procedure, the cannula is powered by compressed air or electricity.

It is inserted by small incisions and uses rapid vibrational movements to get rid of fat.

This technique is especially useful when patients need to remove significant amounts of fat.

Power-assisted Liposuction does not cause thermal damage,

which may be better for many patients who have undergone Liposuction with fat grafting or abdominoplasty.

Additional benefits of Liposuction

If you are very overweight or little overweight, exercise can help. However,

if that one problem area does not shrink no matter how much you exercise,

you may benefit from Liposuction because

it is a precision fat reduction surgery to help make your body slimmer and healthier.

Liposuction is a type of plastic surgery used to remove excess fat and

one of the most common cosmetic procedures available in Miami.

One of the main benefits of this procedure is the ability to remove fat from body areas that can easily accumulate excess fat,

such as the arms, abdomen, neck and thighs.

However, Liposuction can provide some unexpected benefits as well.

Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is a significant part of the body's defense, the healing process and immune system.

However, an organism that is constantly in a state of inflammation can become damaged over time.

For example, inflammation is associated with arthritis as well as cardiovascular disease.

A Liposuction can remove up to 11 percent of the total inflammatory cells in the body.

Liposuction can reduce the number of inflammatory cells in the body

and can help reduce the risk of developing serious medical issues associated with inflammation.


It is very important to reduce the strain on your neck and back, as cracks in your neck or pinching in your back prevent you from going for a walk and exercising.

If this happens too often, you will find that the world surrounds you. However, Liposuction is specifically designed to eliminate the facts that affect your posture.

In fact, losing weight will have a positive effect on the discs of the spine and hips.


Few have set themselves the goal of gaining excess weight.

It can make you feel unattractive and unhealthy.

Conversely, less weight and a leaner body can improve interest in sex and your morale.

Is Liposuction right for me?

The ideal candidates for the liposuction procedure are patients who are generally fit and have certain problem areas in which they would like to reduce volume.

Small Liposuction is not used for general weight loss. Sometimes a slightly overweight patient would like to reduce it, and Liposuction, unfortunately, is not the best choice for this.

Diet and exercise are best suited for this.

Liposuction in Miami is a great choice for diet and exercise patients,

but there is only one area where they cannot significantly improve their condition.

Liposuction is also used in areas where there is no excess skin.

Therefore, if people have excess loose skin,

there is typically a different surgical procedure for them.

How much does Liposuction in Miami cost?

As with most cosmetic surgery,

the quality of the surgeon is more significant than the cost;

and we understand that your budget is the first thing that comes to your mind.

A good Liposuction procedure usually cost, starting at $5,000, depending on the area.

The liposuction charges also vary depending on the type of anesthesia and which area is being suctioned.

Liposuction surgery is often combined with other cosmetic surgery to reduce costs,

which you can discuss with you during your first consultation.

When you've decided to take control of your body and get the look you want, come to visit us.

We will guide you through your customized liposuction procedure in Miami.
